Saturday, 8 October 2011

TWC Research Paper Draft 1- Nuclear Energy

Hi all!

here is the link to my TWC research paper draft 1!




  1. Good analysis on the possibility of innovation of safety standards that USA set!

    I like the recommendations too, sounds do-able without going into the technical aspects.

    well i was thinking maybe if you want to further substantiate the pros of using nuclear energy better, maybe you can list down the stats of how much more energy per dollar or per resource you get more from nuclear than the rest?

    And, really, I didn't know so much about the fukushima nuclear plant until i read this!

    Good work on this bro!

  2. The catch of the paper is the current perspective; with the focus placed on something so recent and relevant means your paper is up-to-date and has the right emphasis! i like it!

    specific comments have been made to the google doc. go check it out as well bro! content has been comprehensive. other than that, only qualms lie with some grammatical errors. else you're good to go.

